Afternoon tea |
Just like that, you stop and realize that the air is not deafeningly loud with cicada cries. And the stillness feels cool. Slightly fall-ish. But life rushes on with soggy laundry and sleepy students and so many rainy days.
And she asks, while we sweat in the hot sun to pick up our kids from pre-school, "You pray, right? When you are anxious?" "Yes! I could never do this - raise kids, be married, live life - without prayer. Come and see for yourself; we're meeting tomorrow!"
Sisters |
So of course, here we sit on our knees. Worn coffee table scattered with lunch boxes, bibles, prayer sheets, bits of food left by sticky fingers. Take turns praying with our eyes open to watch the littles who will tip the coffee mugs and scribble pen on their faces. We praise for mercy. Intercede for this child, that husband, this mother. These women, this time is a gift. We all sense it. We marvel to each other: the holy spirit is right here and we get the front row seat!
Summer photos! |
Summer projects! |
The spirit is moving in this community! Women are smiling again. Laughter lines instead of taut worry. Making beauty out of confused, ugly, difficult moments. Where
the holy spirit is moving, there is always resistance. Please pray for the
hearts of the women who are open to the gospel. Pray for the health of their
families, and the softening of their hearts.
school students at Christian Academy have a week of special leadership classes
for the first week of October. Students will travel to serve in other parts of
Japan, work on leadership and collaboration in an extended hike through the
mountains, and work on various projects in our city. Please pray for safety,
rich learning experiences, and transfer of learning back to the regular