Wednesday, July 1, 2015

On the road (again)

Dear community,

Greetings from muggy north Texas! The benefit of having family move to new parts of the country, is that we get to visit them in new places!

My grand father taught us to use the contrasts in life as fuel for gratitude. This month, we have a lot to be thankful for, with so many changes and contrasts!

Thanks for the many of you who are just now joining us! Please feel free to look through our blog for our past letters. As I've said to many of you in person, your prayers and thoughts are so important to us, particularly as I move into neighborhood ministry full time! We're so grateful that we've been able to share about Japan, our neighborhood, our church and our school with many of you.

- We're grateful for the 4 churches and groups we've shared our stories and challenges with. For the 6 different homes in which we have stayed. For the 66 relatives and 17+ friends we hugged, shared legos, laughed and cried with (so far!). For the hours and hours of safe miles flown and driven. For the comfortable, reliable little car we're borrowing for those miles. For healthy and happy kids, who engage with each new cousin, despite being home-body introverts.

Coming up next:
- We've got another 2 weeks of family visits, and then on to grad school! Please pray for Ryan as he finishes pre-course work this week, and then starts his on-campus classes at the end of July. He will return to Japan in early August for a quick family vacation week, and then back to CAJ to prepare for the new school year.

- Because of our complex schedule this summer, we decided that I will return to Japan ahead of Ryan so that our kids will get more cousin time, and a longer time to transition back to home. Please pray for me, traveling solo with our 3 small children! We are currently seated in different areas of the plane - the airline assures me that the check in counter will do everything they can, but please join us in praying for a good seating arrangement, supportive traveling neighbors and a smooth flight!

- I've mentioned to many of you that I end my formal contract at CAJ this month. After much prayer and deliberation, I am excited to make the choice to focus on ministries I can do with my kids, rather than in a classroom or office. I have been asked to lead two different small groups (Moms in Prayer at our preschool, Japanese Homeschool moms interested in Christianity and English) in addition to continuing the neighborhood English play time each week. I will also begin more formal English home schooling with our kids to be sure they keep up with their English while they learn Japanese at school. Please, pray for discernment as I choose the right commitments for the next few years.